
Archive for August 20th, 2009

I miss BtVS. 😦 I NEED the comics. Now. 😦 I think I’m gonna have a Buffy marathon when I get home. Maybe a marathon focusing on Spike episodes… Yeah… That’s it.

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I was in the pool, and my sister had her goggles around her wrist. She threw a plastic ball across the pool, the goggles on her wrist went flying and BAM! I got hit on the cheek by the goggles. I shrieked in pain, clutched my cheek, and got out of the pool. Wrapped my towel around me, little brother went to get father who got me ice cubes while I rinsed with outdoor shower (which has warm water).

Then I kept the two ice cubes to my cheek until they melted, and came upstairs. While they melted, I dried outside in the sun, went in and watched Sex and the City and, uh, that’s it.

EDIT: No, it isn’t. I have a ringing in my right ear because I got yet more pool water in my ear. Also, siblings and I were talking outside while I was drying/numbing my cheek with ice cubes and I realized that we’re a very violent bunch. We strangle, kick, and punch each other. Sometimes it’s serious fighting, sometimes it isn’t.

I had to go to the hospital once. I didn’t break my arm, but something in it tore or something. Like a muscle tendon, or something. I don’t know. Kind of like tennis elbow, only not because it actually hurt and my mom once got it and said it didn’t hurt. So yeah.

AND my sister once got punched. TOTAL accident though. I swear. And okay, my brother’s been kicked a lot, but I swear: ALL ACCIDENTS. We’re just… very unlucky and clumsy. *shrugs*

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I think I’ve found my title for my novel: Learning to Breathe. Other titles were "Letting go" and "But a flame in the ocean", both of which sucked epically. It just fits. And vamp novel title: Playing with Darts. Might change.

Learning to Breathe/LtB:

216 new words written on Wednesday (yesterday)

Playing with Darts/PwD:

PwD’s plot: I’m figuring out the plot of PwD and it’s coming along nicely. And I have some GREAT scenes for the climax. It’s going to be very Buffy-esque. (But, obviously, not identical to it.)

LtB’s plot: I have a problem with this book’s plot. I have most of the ending figured out, namely everything from the epiphany to the new status quo. So basically, the entire ending. But I’m missing large chunks of the middle, between character commits to their goal and epiphany. So, once again, basically, the entire middle. And there I was, hoping to finish it by the 1st of September. Just imagine this:

Random person at school: So, what did you do this summer?
Me: Oh… Nothing much, saw some old friends, spent some time in a pool, wrote a novel, watched TV…

How cool would that be?

If you’re wondering what I meant with new status quo and interludes and all that:

According to this site ( http://www.novel-writing-help.com/ ) this is how a novel is composed:

Part 1: Beginning Part 2: Middle Part 3: End
Status quo First mini-goal and interlude Epiphany
Something happens Mini-goals and interludes Final victory
Character commits to their goal(s) Rock bottom New status quo

Okay. Plan for the day:

  • Start chapter 7 of LtB
  • Swim in pool (because we leave this Saturday and tomorrow we pack)
  • Figure out plot for LtB
  • Maybe write some more of PwD
  • Finish watching Dracula (1992 with Gary Oldman and Keanu Reeves)
  • Shower
  • Edit chapter 3 for Sarah (http://www.fictionpress.com/u/611899/ look for a post promoting her story)

That’s it. Over and out.

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